
Saturday, March 8th, 2025
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT


For the details please go to Abstracts. All times are in EDT (Eastern Daylight Time).

8:30-9:00 am Check-in
Monteith Hall 110
9:00-10:10 am Parallel Talks I Session A

9-9:30 am  Georgia Harbor-Collins (UConn)

9:40-10:10 am Heidi Benham (UConn)

Monteith Hall 111

Session B

9-9:30 am Jasper Toman-Yih (UConn)

9:40-10:10 am Zhe Guan (UConn)

Monteith Hall 112

10:10-10:30 am Coffee Break Monteith Hall 110
10:35-11:45 am Plenary Talk I and Opening Remarks
Bounded singular Radon transforms 

Lingxiao Zhang (UConn)

Schenker Hall 151

11:45 am-12:15 pm Lunch Break Monteith Hall 110

(and/or Outside Monteith Hall as weather permits)

12:15-1:05 pm Graduate School Panel Schenker Hall 151 Elsa Church, Garett Cunningham

Swati Gaba, and Andrey Russanov

1:10-2:50 pm Parallel Talks II Session A

1:10-1:40 pm Herbert Siewert (Fairfield)

1:50-2:20 pm Sanjana Paul and Amy Pinargote (Smith)

2:30 - 2:50 pm Break

Monteith Hall 111

Session B

1:10-1:40 pm Benjamin Grant (UConn)

1:50-2:20 pm Rahul Krishnakumar (UConn)

2:30 - 2:50 pm Niko Ramirez (Wesleyan)

Monteith Hall 112

2:55-3:55 pm Plenary Talk II
Aggregation in chromonic liquid crystals

Lidia Mrad (Mount Holyoke)

Schenker Hall 151

4 pm Closing and Raffle Draw Schenker Hall 151